Ginger Snap Crafts: 2022


Why You Should Use Cricut Brand Materials (No Matter What Machine You Own!)

This post is brought to you by Cricut. All opinions are my own. Affiliate links are used. Thank you for supporting Ginger Snap Crafts. :)

Good morning! So good to see you! :) Today I am talking about one of my most favorite things! Annnnd that is Cricut! :) I love my Cricut machines, and I use them almost every day to create things for my home, family, friends and just about everything else in between. I know many of you own your own machines as well whether it be a Cricut, Silhouette, Brother or some other brand. And you know what? Just about all of these machines are compatible with Cricut brand materials. Yep! Just because you own a Silhouette doesn’t mean you can’t use most Cricut materials with your machine. Although, there are a few products that are exclusive to Cricut machines. So you might want to buy that Cricut anyways! ;) Today I am excited to tell you why Cricut brand materials are leaps and bounds ahead of other products you might already be using, and why YOU should be using Cricut brand materials starting today. Let’s get started! :)


Cricut Bundle Sale

This post is not sponsored. Affiliate links are not used! I’m just passing on some good deals! Happy shopping! :)

Good morning! Just a heads up! Cricut has a 48-hour bundle sale starting THIS morning and runs through midnight on Saturday. These deals only happen a few times a year! So you don’t want to miss out! :)

These bundles are already a great savings, but for 48 hours, Cricut is going to discount them even further!

Machine Bundles:

Maker 3 + Everything Bundle - only $469.99 USD ($599.99 CAD)

Explore 3 + Everything Bundle - only $369.99 USD ($459.99 CAD)

Maker + Everything Bundle - only $299.99 USD ($419.99 CAD)

Air 2 + Everything Bundle - only $249.99 USD ($374.99 CAD)

Heat Press Bundles:

AutoPress + Everything Bundle - only $1,049.00 USD ($1349.99 CAD)

EP2 9x9 + Everything Bundle - only $179.99 USD ($249.99 CAD)

EP2 12x10 + Everything Bundle - only $199.99 USD ($299.99 CAD)

MugPress + Everything Bundle - only $229.99 USD ($299.99 CAD)

HatPress + Everything Bundle - only $199.99 USD ($249.99 CAD)

Wondering what you can do with a Cricut machine? Check out these post! Or just go here.

30 Minute Vinyl Crafts with Cricut


Personalized Dog Bandana {tutorial}

This post is not sponsored, but affiliate links are used. Thank you so much for supporting Ginger Snap Crafts.

Good morning! It’s time for another fun addition of Team Creative Crafts! This month the theme is all about our pets and the crafts that go along with our favorite furry friends. My oldest son just graduated from Brigham Young University – Idaho, and him & his sweet wife are moving back home to Northwest Arkansas. We are so excited & feel so blessed to have them so close. They brought their dog, Harper, with them! Annnnnd my grand pup is a sweetie! So we decided to make her a Personalized Dog Bandana to wear around her neck. It is so cute! Annnnnd so easy to make. Let me show you how! :)


Tie Dye Shoes {tutorial} + a Giveaway

Thank you to Tulip for sponsoring the giveaway for this post!

Hello! I hope your Friday is off to a great start! :) I am so excited because it’s time for another edition of Team Creative Crafts! This month we are all tackling tie dye projects. Tie dying is always on our summer bucket list. So the timing of this post is perfect for us! I can’t wait to try some of these projects this summer with my kiddos! Annnnnd we have a fun giveaway from Tulip! One of YOU will win everything you need to throw your very own tie dye party. So keep reading for tons of ideas, my tutorial on how to make these cute Tie Dye Shoes and to enter that ah-mazing giveaway. Let’s get started! :)


DIY Camp Hat with the Cricut Hat Press {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Cricut. All opinions are my own. Affiliate links are used. Thank you for supporting Ginger Snap Crafts. :)

Good morning! The weather is just about to warm up! It’s almost May, and I am so looking forward to summer! Each summer my daughter attends Girls Camp for a week. Annnnnd each year they make crafts. I’ve helped quite a few times. This year she is going as a YCL (youth camp leader). So, we wanted to make her a cute hat to wear to camp. Annnnd Cricut just realeased their brand new Cricut Hat Press. So of course, our first project was this cute DIY Camp Hat. Let’s me show you how cool this new hat press is. Keep reading! :)


Beach Ball Party Favor & Banner {tutorial} + a Giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.**

Good morning! It’s that time again! Time for another fun edition of Team Creative Crafts, and this month’s theme is all about kid’s parties. Yay! I have 5 kiddos, so throwing parties is one of my specialties. If I do say so myself! ha! Let me show you how I made these personalized beach balls for my son’s huge 12th birthday pool party! Let’s get started! Oh and be sure to read to the bottom of this post for tons of party ideas and a giveaway! :)


{wow me} wednesday #546

**This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.**

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Cricut is launching a huge spring flash sale right now!
You know how much I love & use my Cricut. Check out these easy iron-on projects below.

Don't wait and you can save 40% on Cricut materials & accessories. You can grab a Cricut Joy for $169, the Cricut Explore Air 2 for $199 and the Cricut Maker at $249! The EasyPress ( 9" x 9") and EasyPress ( 12" x 10") have a $20 off promotion as well. is offering free shipping on orders $99+. Use promo code SHIPMAR or MARSHIP through 3/31.

One of my favorite Cricut machines the Cricut Mug Press is only $199 right now. You see some fun kid friendly mugs that my kiddos made by visiting this post or clicking the picture below. :)

Happy Shopping! :)


{wow me} wednesday #545

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Sorry this is getting up a little late! I’ve been spring cleaning all week.
Annnnd time got away from me! Be sure to check out these 8 Pretty Projects. :)

Late last week I shared this pretty flower or herb garden tutorial with you. Be sure to pop over here
& check that out. Annnnnd there is a giveaway. Don’t forget to enter! :)


DIY Ladder Herb or Flower Garden {tutorial} + Giveaway

Hello there! It’s time for another fun edition of Team Creative Crafts. Annnnnd this month it’s all about spring! Oh how I love spring! The warmer weather, the new possibilities and the glorious sun! It’s amazing! :) One of most favorite parts is getting outside and working in the garden. That’s why I am excited to share this DIY Ladder Herb or Flower Garden tutorial with you. Let’s get started! (Annnnnd be sure to scroll to the end of this post to see all the other fabulous spring craft ideas from Team Creative Crafts, and there is a another fabulous giveaway!)


{wow me} wednesday #544

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Happy March! :) It was in the 70s here today. So nice!
Check out 7 easy spring projects I’ve shared over the years. I can’t wait to start more! :)


{wow me} wednesday #543

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

These 10 Spring Ideas are amazing!
You can check them all out right over here.


{wow me} wednesday #541

**This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.**

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
Buuuuut now it’s time for spring. Yay! Enjoy these spring projects! Click the picture for more.

I know many of you are Cricut users. So just a heads up! :) Starting this week is Cricut's 30% off sale on Paper & Cards, Iron-On and Maker-Only Materials. The sale also features $150 off the Maker, $70 off the Air 2, $30 off the Joy and $20 off the Mug Press. is offering free shipping on orders $99+. Use promo code SHIPFEB or FEBSHIP through 2/28. Do all your shopping right here. Let me know if you have any questions. Annnnnd if you are wondering what all a Cricut can do & if you should get a Cricut machine, then check out this post answering all your Cricut questions. :)


{wow me} wednesday #540

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

It’s almost Valentine’s Day!
Pop over here to see 10 Last Minute Valentine’s Ideas.

Last week I shared this DIY Valentine Sign. Be sure to check it out here. :)


CUTE DIY Valentine Sign {tutorial} + Giveaway

This post is not sponsored. Buuuut a huge thank you goes out to Cricut for supplying some of the product for this post and to Art Bin for supplying the amazing giveaway prize. Thank you! Affiliate links are used. Thank you for supporting Ginger Snap Crafts.

Good morning! It’s time for another edition of Team Creative Crafts. Yay! This month we are all sharing Valentine’s Day craft ideas along with another amazing giveaway! So you’ll want to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to check out everyone’s cute Valentine’s Day crafts and to enter the giveaway. This month we are giving away the gift of organization with three Art Bin drawer units. You don’t want to miss out on that! So, this month I decided to share this cute DIY Valentine Sign with you that I made using my Cricut Maker 3. It turned out so cute! Annnnnd it was so easy to make. Let’s get started! :)


{wow me} wednesday #539

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured some delicious Valentine’s treats!
You can check out 9 Sweet Treats right over here.


9 Sweet Treats

Good morning! I hope you all are staying warm & healthy. Today is my oldest daughter’s birthday! Yay! So happy birthday day to her. :) I thought it would be a good time to feature some yummy recipes. These 9 Sweet Treats would be perfect for your Valentine’s Day party in a few weeks. Remember this week’s {wow me} wednesday party is still going on. Be sure to link up your latest projects and recipes. I’d love to see them, and possibly feature you, too. You can do that here. But first check out this delicious feature post. Enjoy! :)


{wow me} wednesday #538

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I shared some amazing DIY projects shared by you!
You can check them all out right over here.

One of my favorite DIY projects that I’ve shared is this DIY Shiplap Wall. It’s so easy to do! Check it out here.


7 Amazing DIY Projects

Good morning! :) I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy. We have been sticking around the house a little bit more lately. So many families are sick in our community! So while we are home more DIY projects always keep my mind off things. How about you? Today I am excited to feature 7 Amazing DIY Projects that we linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. This week’s party is going on right now. Be sure to link up your latest project! I’d love to see them! You can do that here. :) Buuuut in the meantime, enjoy this fabulous feature post! :)


{wow me} wednesday #537

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!
We love making handmade Valentine’s cards like these.
Be sure to check out this post on 10+ DIY Valentine Ideas. :)

Last year I made these cute Valentine coloring cards. You see how right here.


{wow me} wednesday #536

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

How are your organization projects coming along this year?
Mine are still a work in progress! ;)
Be sure to check out these 40+ Ideas to Get You Organized. :)

Last week I shared how you can make your own kitchen labels. You can see that post here.
Be sure to enter the giveaway at the bottom at that post for a Xyron Prize Pack. Good luck! :)


Kitchen Organization Labels + Giveaway

Good morning! It’s that time again! It’s time for another round of Team Creative Crafts with a giveaway. :) This month’s theme was anything related to organization. Annnnnd since it is January, I think organization was a fantastic choice. I know I am busy cleaning out, getting rid of things, organizing and simplifying our home. One of the best ways to do this for me is labeling. I love to label everything in our home. So today I am excited to share how you can make you own kitchen labels with your Cricut machine. Also, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the post for tons of organization ideas from me and some of my favorite bloggers, and then be sure to enter to win a Xyron Creative Station Lite and 2 Cartridges Bundle with Storage Box. Eek! Let’s get started! :)


{wow me} wednesday #535

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Happy New Year!

It’s January which means it’s time for deep cleaning & organizing. Am I right? ;)
You can check out over 10 organizing tips right here. See even more ideas here.