Ginger Snap Crafts: August 2019


DIY Book Ledges for under $20 {tutorial}

Good morning! These so easy to make DIY book ledges will help organize your kiddo’s books without taking up valuable space on their bedroom floor. My husband & I made these for my youngest son’s room. Annnnnd I love them! I kind of want to put these all over the house! They’d make awesome picture ledges, too! Let me show you how to make them yourself in one afternoon & for under $20!


Fall Décor Ideas

Good morning! It was so cool here this morning! We have our windows open. Ahhhhhh! Fall is in the air. Annnnnd can you believe it's almost September already? Fall is definitely one of my favorite times of the year with hayrides, cooler weather, pumpkins, hot apple cider and more. I can’t wait! Today I am excited to be featuring some Fall Décor Ideas that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. So feel free to stop by & link up your ideas. You can do that here. Buuuuut first check out this wonderfully fall feature post. Enjoy! :)


{wow me} wednesday #318

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Back to school is in full swing, and I am loving these organization ideas.
On Friday I’ll be sharing a brand new tutorial on some DIY book shelves I made for my son’s room.
Eek! I’m so excited to share! In the meantime, check out these fabulous ideas right here.


{wow me} wednesday #317

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Check out these fun End of Summer Ideas that I featured from last week!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 End of Summer Ideas

Good morning! Whew! This summer has been a whirlwind! I’m tired. ha! My son got married a few weeks ago, & we have been busy non-stop since then. I’m kind of excited about back to school & having things settle down into a normal routine. Of course, I love summer & don’t want it to end. I know! What to do? I can’t have it both ways. ;) Buuuuut before summer ends check out these 10 End of Summer Ideas that would be perfect to do in the next week or two. Don’t forget to stop back tonight for the next {wow me} wednesday party. :) In the meantime, enjoy this fun summery feature post. :)


{wow me} wednesday #316

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Check out these 60+ Back to School Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Must-Haves in Creating a Functional Homework Station

Whether your kiddos attend school or are homeschooled, they need a quiet spot to work on their schoolwork &/or homework. Whether it be at the kitchen table or a desk in their room, check out these 10 must-haves in creating a functional homework station for your kiddos. Annnnd can you believe the kiddos are already heading back to school??? :( These pictures are actually from our school room last year. Today we worked all day getting it ready for this year. Annnnnd it looks a little bit different now, but not too much! :)


First Day of School Pictures & a Canvas Factory Giveaway

Thank you to Canvas Factory for sponsoring this post & giveaway. All opinions are my own.

Good morning! Aaaahhhh! Summer has gone by way too fast! We are back from vacation. Annnnd we are already getting ready for back to school! Annnnnd one of our favorite traditions is a first day of school picture. I’m sure many of you have the same tradition. Am I right? ;)


{wow me} wednesday #315

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Can you believe back to school is already here?
I’m loving these 10 Back to School Ideas! :)
You can check them all out right over here.