Ginger Snap Crafts: April 2022


DIY Camp Hat with the Cricut Hat Press {tutorial}

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Good morning! The weather is just about to warm up! It’s almost May, and I am so looking forward to summer! Each summer my daughter attends Girls Camp for a week. Annnnnd each year they make crafts. I’ve helped quite a few times. This year she is going as a YCL (youth camp leader). So, we wanted to make her a cute hat to wear to camp. Annnnd Cricut just realeased their brand new Cricut Hat Press. So of course, our first project was this cute DIY Camp Hat. Let’s me show you how cool this new hat press is. Keep reading! :)


Beach Ball Party Favor & Banner {tutorial} + a Giveaway

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Good morning! It’s that time again! Time for another fun edition of Team Creative Crafts, and this month’s theme is all about kid’s parties. Yay! I have 5 kiddos, so throwing parties is one of my specialties. If I do say so myself! ha! Let me show you how I made these personalized beach balls for my son’s huge 12th birthday pool party! Let’s get started! Oh and be sure to read to the bottom of this post for tons of party ideas and a giveaway! :)