Ginger Snap Crafts: December 2021


{wow me} wednesday #534

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

This will be my last post for the year.
I hope you all have a fabulous holiday & I will see you next year.
This party will be open for the rest of the year.

Check out these 20 Neighbor Gift Ideas. They are so fun!
You can see them all out right over here or click the picture below.

Last week I shared this Pass Along Treat Plate gift idea. You can get the tutorial here.


Neighbor Pass-along plate Gift Idea + Giveaway

Good morning! It’s that time again! I love partnering with the ladies from Team Creative Crafts to bring you a fun themed blog hop & giveaway each month. This month our theme was last minute Christmas crafts. Annnnd there are some good ones! Annnnd we have a fun giveaway from Sculpey. You’ll want to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to see all the projects & to enter that giveaway. :)

Buuuuut first let me show you my project. We always do neighbor gifts every year along with some yummy treats. This year I’m making these fun Pass Along Treat Plates that our neighbors can enjoy, refill and pass along to another family. Fun right? ;)


{wow me} wednesday #533

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

We finally got our tree up last night! :)
One of my favorite parts is looking at all of the homemade ornaments.
So many many memories come flooding back!
Check out these fabulous
DIY ornaments below or click the picture.

Last week I shared these cute Light the World ornaments. You can get the tutorial right here.


Light the World Ornament {tutorial}

Good morning! I’m a few days late on mentioning this but better late than never, right? haha! Anyways, each year my church does a special Light the World campaign centered around sharing the love of Jesus Christ. They produce a calendar with something to do everyday during the month of December. It’s fun to do individually or as a family. This year they’ve added Light the World with Love which is just what this world needs right now ~ more love.  You can download the calendar and more right here. I teach a primary class at church which is the Sunday School for the kiddos. I made these Light the World Ornaments to hand out to my kiddos this Sunday along with a Light the World calendar. I thought they could hang the ornament on the tree as a reminder to do their light the world service each day. Let me show you how I made them. :)